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International Rectifier (IR)是数字、模拟、混合信号IC、高级电路器件、电源系统及组件等高级电源管理技术领域的先锋企业及全球领导者。世界领先的计算机、电器、汽车、消费电子及国防设备制造企业都依赖International Rectifier(IR)的技术,来驱动其产品的性能和效率。
Infineon Technologies于2015年收购了International Rectifier(IR).
International Rectifier (IR) was an American power management technology company manufacturing analog and mixed-signal ICs, advanced circuit devices, integrated power systems, and high-performance integrated components for computing. On 13 January 2015, the company became a part of Infineon Technologies.
International Rectifier (IR)'s products, as a part of Infineon Technologies' overall semiconductor portfolio, continue to be used in many applications including lighting, automobile, satellite, aircraft, and defense systems; as well as key components in power supply systems in electronics-based products that include especially microcomputers, servers, and networking and telecommunications equipment.
International Rectifier (IR)was acquired by infineon in 2015.
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